CFP: Black Doctoral Network Conference “Changing Research for a Changing World”

The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee is inviting abstract submissions for the 2016 conference themed “Changing Research for a Changing World.” It will take place on October 27-29 in Atlanta, GA. This year’s meeting aims to address how recent social, political, and economic shifts have influenced scholarship. Some of the questions we pose for the conference are: what specific local or global changes of the past decade have affected your research inquiries and in what ways has your research responded to these changes? What innovative and transformative approaches have you applied to facilitate a better understanding of social issues as well as theoretical dilemmas? How has your scholarship helped to foster change in your community, institution, or field? The Conference will be an interdisciplinary event that brings together academics and professionals from the social sciences, STEM, and humanities to address how we can positively impact and inform each other’s work and engage with our communities. Submission of abstracts from graduate and doctoral students, recent Ph.D. graduates and academic professionals across disciplines are welcome.

The organizers accept abstracts from (1) individuals who wish to present on a panel and from (2) groups who want to create their own panel. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words typed, double spaced, using a 12pt font. Submissions should be anonymous – please do not include your name or the name of your institution on the document. Include the title of your abstract and note whether it is an individual or a group submission. All group submissions require at least three presenters.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 11:59PM EST.

For full CFP and information on the conference, please visit:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me, Kristina Nazimova, at