CFP: Journal of South Asian Religious History

The Journal of South Asian Religious History calls for original papers for inclusion in its inaugural January-February 2015 issue. JSARH is the first scholarly journal devoted solely to the role of faith systems in the history of the subcontinent as part of a broader effort to increase understanding of Hinduism and its variants, Buddhism, South Asian Islam, Jainism, Sikhism, and other South Asian religious traditions as historical agents (with special emphasis on religion-and-politics) in South Asia, the Indian Ocean rim, and the wider world.

Paper topics should focus on some aspect of one or more South Asian religious tradition as a force in subcontinental history. Emphasis should be on history rather than theology and/or religious practice. Topics of any historical era will be considered, with preference given to papers highlighting the religion-and-politics phenomenon, especially in the early modern or modern periods.

For submission guidelines and other information, please visit

Submission deadline: November 15, 2014.