Upcoming Workshop: “Food Writing Between Traditions and Innovations”

A successful food writer has deep knowledge of food, cooking skills, an understanding of superior photography and of digital media, and experience in the food industry. Cookbooks are not only popular gifts for foodies, they are also popular tools among food producers, food marketers and food brands to communicate with their customers, who are becoming more and more informed about food and the food industry and who make hence informed choices. The UK’s professional association of food writers, the Guild of Food Writers, contributes to the growth of public interest in the subject of food through print media.

The workshop “Food writing between traditions and innovations” will cover how to write successful cookbooks and different genres about food and how digital media have impacted on the sector of food writing.

The keynote speaker, Jenny Linford, a food writer and member of the Guild of Food Writers, will discuss her experience as a food writer for a variety of print media, including The Guardian, Time Out’s Eating Out guides and The Times and about her books, including The London Cookbook. Recipes. Stories. History.

If you wish to present your work, please send an abstract (150 words) not later than February 10, 2015 at contact@fancy-i.co.uk, including your name, affiliation, and background (e.g.: journalism, media studies, foreign languages, film studies, marketing, creative writing, etc.).