Call for Nominations: 2016 OAH Roy Rosenzweig Distinguished Service Award

The OAH Roy Rosenzweig Distinguished Service Award is presented each year to an individual or individuals whose contributions have significantly enriched our understanding and appreciation of American history. Beginning in 2008, the award is named in memory of Roy Rosenzweig, who was the Mark and Barbara Fried Chair and founding director of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. Rosenzweig, a pioneer in the field of digital humanities, was actively involved in OAH for more than fifteen years, serving on its nominating board, program committees, executive board, and was an OAH Distinguished Lecturer. In 2011, George Mason University renamed the Center for History and New Media to honor his memory. Rosenzweig passed away in 2007 at the age of 57.

Those eligible for this award include scholars, teachers, writers, public historians and officeholders who have shaped or deepened our sensitivity to the past.

The selection committee is composed of the four outgoing Executive Board members. Any member of the OAH can submit a nomination, either by letter to the Organization’s Executive Director, or via comment at the end of the OAH ballot. All nominations submitted will be considered by the selection committee, along with other nominations generated by the committee. Nominations will remain active for two years.

Please indicate “2016 Roy Rosenzweig Distinguished Service Award” in the subject line and send nomination as a PDF file by midnight PST on October 1, 2015 to

The award will be presented at the 2016 OAH Annual Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, April 7–10.

Roy Rosenzweig Distinguished Service Award Committee
Alan M. Kraut, American University, Committee Chair
Jennifer L. Morgan, New York University
Andrea J. Sachs, St. Paul Academy and Summit School
Alan Taylor, University of Virginia


Contact Info:

Committee Coordinator
Organization of American Historians
112 North Bryan Avenue
Bloomington IN 47408-4141
