Call for Submissions: Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities

The Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities is awarded in memory of disability studies pioneer and University of Michigan faculty member Tobin Siebers (1953-2015). The prize is awarded yearly for best book-length manuscript on a topic of pressing urgency in this field. Reflecting the work of the scholar the prize commemorates, the competition invites submissions on a wide range of topics, from literary and cultural studies, to trans-historical research, to contributions to disability theory such as work in crip/queer studies.

Winners will receive a cash prize of $1,500. The winner will be announced in January, 2020 at the Modern Language Association and will receive a contract from the University of Michigan Press to be published in the “Corporealities: Discourses of Disability” series.

Guidelines for Submission

Eligible submissions include complete book-length monographic manuscripts not under consideration by another publisher. Unrevised dissertations and memoir will not be considered. Manuscripts should be submitted by September 16, 2019 in digital format, along with:

  1. A description of the manuscript
  2. A statement regarding its relative contribution to the field of Disability Studies
  3. The word count and illustration count
  4. A current curriculum vitae

Please direct any questions to Sara Jo Cohen (, the acquisitions editor at Univeristy of Michigan Press who handles projects in Disability Studies.